Meeting Room

This room measures 4.2 m (13.5') wide and 6 m (19.5') long.  Facing south and having windows to three sides, it catches the sun throughout the day (when the sun is shining!). 

This room presents a more intimate atmosphere – ideal for small gatherings or meetings.  As with the main hall, the lighting here is flexible to suit the mood.

A pull-up hatch gives access to the kitchen.

The patio doors are fire doors, which need to be unlocked before a hire commences.  These doors lead onto a paved patio with tables and chairs and then up steps to the field, play equipment and benches.  NB:  Village Hall users do not have exclusive access to the village field (see Services page).   

Capacity: 21 Theatre Style, 16 Formal Dinner. 

For party bookings, the maximum number must not exceed 20.